Jewelry Artist Douriean Fletcher Completes Art Farm Residency, Hosts Community Engagement Events
Jul 2, 2024

Jewelry Artist Douriean Fletcher Completes Art Farm Residency, Hosts Community Engagement Events

By Valeria Lee

Art Farm has been hosting renowned jewelry artist Douriean Fletcher for a month-long residency in Serenbe. Douriean garnered acclaim for her work in Marvel’s Black Panther and became Marvel’s first licensed jewelry maker. Black Panther showcased Douriean’s ability to blend traditional and cultural motifs with modern designs leading to her historic achievement as the first jewelry artist to win two Academy Awards alongside the costume design team. Douriean blends culture and tradition to create sculptural pieces that dazzle audiences while conveying a distinct narrative. Her jewelry played a crucial role in the film, aiding the visual storytelling by bringing a rich Afrofuturistic aesthetic to Wakanda. She currently has a collection on display at Bergdorf Goodman in New York City.

Douriean and her son have been residing in one of Art Farm’s artist cottages for the month of June. During her first week, Art Farm hosted an open event at The Farmhouse for members of the community to welcome and meet Douriean. Douriean also hosted open studio hours at her pop-up studio in the Mado Hamlet, where many visited her to learn more about her work and view her creative process firsthand.  “Everyone’s been so pleasant and I’m looking forward to meeting more people in the community while I’m here,” Douriean said during her first week in Serenbe.  

On June 18, Douriean hosted an interactive artist talk where she described her artistic journey, her influences, and her transition to creating adornments for major motion pictures. Serenbe residents and visitors were enthralled and engaged in conversation with Douriean. “We are thrilled to have Douriean Fletcher in residency with us this month,” said Art Farm’s Executive Director Madalyn Mentor. “I have already heard so much positive feedback from community members who love her unique and beautiful work and are fascinated by how it explores culture, identity, and personal expression.”

Douriean also hosted an adornment workshop in Serenbe where she guided attendees through the process of creating a timeless heirloom inspired by their own story and heritage using introductory metalsmithing techniques. Douriean’s residency will continue through July 10.